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Sunday, June 5, 2011

academic curriculum vitae template

academic curriculum vitae template. Saving the CV Template
  • Saving the CV Template

  • Unspoken Demise
    Jun 18, 10:36 AM
    I think there should be a dunk tank with a Bill Gates look alike on the stand.
    Naturally, you throw apples at the target.

    academic curriculum vitae template. Functional resume.
  • Functional resume.

  • ranviper
    Feb 1, 03:48 PM
    One of several in rotation. I use SnowTunes for the dark menubar (among other things), DarkDock for the dark dock :p, and Float for the indicators. Bowtie provides the album artwork, and I have a matching Adium theme that I just hid so I didn't have to go in and blur out the names.



    Loooooooove serenity/firefly. :D:D

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  • Academic resume free template

  • ruvil
    Feb 17, 10:17 AM

    Very simple so far, but i will probably start playing with geektools soon...

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  • partyBoy
    Dec 11, 02:25 AM
    I tweeked the icons...



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  • Sample CV Resume

  • valiar
    Oct 3, 09:43 PM
    To recap all the comments above...
    Pretty muc everyone who actually had to *use* Notes for work hates it.
    The only people who seem to be praising it are the ones who are paid to maintain it. Notice how the Notes fanbois refer to it as a "product", "platform", "solution", etc - and yet provide not a single example where the features of the client itself would make the user more happy and productive.
    Yes, I said the word: User!
    It's the users that matter most.
    And Notes client makes any user miserable.
    It is slow, it uses non-standard interface elements, and it has a really steep learning curve (even for the 'engineer' types). I am not a big fan of Outlook, but even Outlook is light years ahead of Notes.
    As for the Domino server itself... That thing is just as bad as the client.
    Its raison d'etre seems to be simplification of development process.
    And it might have made (some limited) sense in 1995.
    Not anymore.
    Everything, and I mean everything, that you can do with Domino, you can do with Ruby, PHP/MySQL/PostgreSQL, WebObjects, or Java.
    You can do it in less time, using highly visual dev environments. You can also easily collaborate on the development process, and systematically create concise documentation. The finished product will run fast and solid, and it won't depend on proprietary (terrible) client software. You will just need a web browser.
    Domino, on the other hand, is pure garbage. I remember working in a 20 person company back in '00 where we had a Domino server running on a dual 500MHz PIII server with 2 gigs of RAM - very expensive at the time. It was very hard on the poor machine. It was choking. And the only three things the server was used for were email, very basic scheduling, and a billable hour tracking app. Not that that server is any speed demon by modern standards... But a non-Domino system having the same functionality would not have created any measurable load on the server at all with only 20 users. Did I also mention the server was less than stable? And I still remember how SP6 for NT completely brought the damn thing down... Ouch.

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  • iStudentUK
    Mar 21, 04:43 AM
    I am saying that the present UK tariff of 16 years minimum provides adequate protection for the public, and is not an attractive alternative to liberty.

    I agree, as I said a family member works for the Probation Service and I am studying law now and it has completely changed my perspective of crime/criminals.

    It is such a shame that the media/tabloids still thinks all criminals are inherently evil and spreads rubbish and incorrect headlines like "Europe says rapists must have vote" (prisoners votes recently).

    Anyway, life sentance guidlines were reviewed in 2003 and they are currently as follows-

    Whole life - two or more people killed and-
    a substantial degree of premeditation or planning,
    the abduction of the victim, or
    sexual or sadistic conduct,
    the murder of a child if involving the abduction of the child or sexual or sadistic motivation,
    a murder done for the purpose of advancing a political, religious or ideological cause, or
    a murder by an offender previously convicted of murder

    30 year minimum - where the offence involves-
    the murder of a police officer or prison officer in the course of his duty,
    a murder involving the use of a firearm or explosive,
    a murder done for gain (in furtherance of robbery or burglary...),
    a murder intended to obstruct or interfere with the course of justice,
    a murder involving sexual or sadistic conduct,
    the murder of two or more persons,
    a murder that is racially or religiously aggravated or aggravated by sexual orientation, or

    15 year minimum - applies to any murder not covered by another category

    12 year minimum - applies to any murder committed by someone under the age of 18 (EDITED)

    These are guidelines, but Judges must justify deviating from them.

    Remember, these are minimum terms, all murders get a life sentence. It doesn't mean people will be released after the minimum term. As I said above, most murders in the UK did not intend to kill someone, that is not necessary for conviction here, only intent to cause GBH.

    I'm very happy with UK sentencing. Good balance between punishment and public protection. The homicide rate in the UK is very low!


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  • CubaTBird
    Sep 27, 05:48 PM
    i think what it comes down too is trust.. do you trust your son?

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  • comictimes
    Sep 6, 12:07 PM
    Picture taken just after a crazy storm in Kentucky in June.


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  • lukenorris
    Jan 12, 01:23 AM
    What video projector(s) do they use for the keynote at Macworld this year? Is it front or rear projection?


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  • RebootD
    Mar 31, 02:30 PM
    So buy a capacitive stylus already and quit whining about "finger painting".

    Stylus-focused tablets failed in no small part because of the easily-lost one-more-thing-to-fiddle-with can't-function-without-it stylus requirement. So, Apple built a tablet that didn't need it. Insofar as a few people do need a stylus for limited applications, third parties make them. Buy one if you need it; nobody is stopping you but you.

    Yeah except Photoshop is for people like me so it is relevant. Also work on your anger management classes.


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  • kdarling
    Apr 27, 12:57 PM
    My takeaway is this:

    Section 222 (http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/uscode47/usc_sec_47_00000222----000-.html)of the Communications Act deals with carriers keeping user information private, including location, but of course that has nothing to do with phone OS makers such as Apple and Google.

    Now I suspect that Congress will want to bring non-carriers under their wing as well.

    Smartphones used to be a pretty sleepy backwater area, where the press rarely bothered much. Now they're daily headline news, under extra scrutiny.

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  • Stratification
    Apr 15, 02:31 PM
    Out for a photoshoot yesterday.


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  • simple resume template.

  • *LTD*
    Apr 27, 01:19 PM
    It was funny to me when this started and people were talking about jailbreaking and making it so this file could not be written.

    People were actually willing to make their phones not work properly because of their ignorance and paranoia.

    By the way I missing the part were Jobs said this was an oversight on Apple's part. From the part quoted here, it essentially says, working as intended.

    The issue is being deliberately overblown. There are a myriad other ways people are and have been "tracked". In this case, there isn't even any tracking going on, and the info that is stored WILL HAVE ZERO EFFECT ON THE AVERAGE USER. That's the kicker. It doesn't really affect anyone materially, tangibly, practically. But it *hints* that somewhere, somehow, there's a log indicating you were in the vicinity of certain cell phone towers. Which is about as worrisome as HR at work logging your hours!

    The info is practically useless in terms of actually "tracking" your exact position, but so long as there is a snowball's chance of misconstruing it, a bunch of idiots *will* misconstrue it . . . because they're sick and tired of Apple showing up the rest of the industry as retards, and Apple users announcing the same. We have a group of tech geeks here who think everyone is equal, every device is wonderful and has its place, and every company should play fair with each other. So they come out and try to equalize everything and downplay enthusiasm they deem as inappropriate. It's hilarious.

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  • FX4568
    Apr 4, 09:27 PM
    I dont even know why people are complaining about the AT&T mobile merge.
    Seriously, VZ stocks actually had a higher yield because of the merging than ATT.
    The deal will pass, you know why? It actually somehow benefits more Verizon rather than ATT. Also, ATT is a private company, they have all the right to acquire another company.
    Now if ATT acquired VZ (hahah which might be never) that would cause a monopoly but seriously monopolies arent that bad.
    Everyone that lives in the "free world" is so entrenched in the idea that monopolies have the right to blow prices out of the water but they cant... and it is a fact.
    Anyways, ATT will spend more money trying to merge differences between staff and other stuff, deciding how to merge the different cultures (since ones a German the other is American), and spending up to 8 billion dollars just in switching to the Tmobile towers. (good luck with that)
    Verizon could equal the size of AT Tmobile if 1/8 people switched out from the merge. Which probably 1/16 will. I mean, why wouldnt they?
    Only reason why ATT has managed to live for the past 3 years is because of the iphone.
    In conclusion: ATT sucked, sucks, and will suck.


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  • CV for academic purposes).

  • MacBytes
    Oct 13, 11:45 PM
    Category: Mac Websites
    Link: aMSN (for mac) forum opens (http://www.macbytes.com/link.php?sid=20041014004555)
    Posted on MacBytes.com (http://www.macbytes.com)

    Approved by Mudbug

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  • Vivid.Inferno
    Oct 14, 01:45 AM
    mine currently


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  • eRondeau
    Oct 1, 02:17 PM
    I too am forced to use Lotus Notes at work. Maybe it hasn't been "implemented properly" in my office, but it is a horrible, awful thing. Even common commands are hidden deep inside nondescript menus and any attempt at customizing anything ends with frustration. I would hope that this bloated piece of software crap stays far, far away from the Mac platform forever.

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  • MattG
    Oct 2, 12:50 PM
    Are they going to make it so the ***** "Synchronize Address Book" feature works? That's one feature that I'd like to be able to use and has NEVER worked on the Mac (you click it and it does nothing).

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  • Stand your own cv templates to

  • Aloush
    Sep 5, 07:11 PM

    Might seem boring but I really like it I am currently learning how to use geektool to make it look better

    Ace 7
    Aug 9, 10:00 AM
    My happy place.


    Oct 9, 03:40 PM
    same here. lol. Was gonna go for simplytweet, tried the lite and wasn't digging the UI. Gonna dl Tweetie 2 now

    Sep 6, 09:17 AM

    where can i get this.. do u have the original?

    Apr 25, 01:41 AM
    Check this link out


    Read under the iphione prices about iPhone 4 in white

    Mar 21, 07:35 PM
    $25 an hour for 3 hours work is NOT reasonable unless you live in a motor home in the desert. $25 is only good if it's a wage and you have an employer paying benefits and taxes for you. But as a freelancer, $25 is not that much by the time you pay taxes and other expenses; unless you are billing out 50 or 60 hours a week. 3 hours at $25 is terrible! A hundred hours (billable) at $25 is better... but still kind of low (depending on experience and where you live).

    If the OP is going to bill hourly, then he at least needs to set a minimum hourly charge to make worth his while.

    Again to get the real hourly wage divide $25 by 3, that is the true hourly rate which is $8.30. Reasonable I think not.

    Generally the rule is the rule of 3 (this is how I quote, clients are happy and I don't undercut myself), times quotes by 3 and divide your hourly rate by this will give you the most accurate way of billing and ensuring you don't undercut yourself while the actual payment is never over the quoted amount (clients love this). It means it will allow you to reinvest in yourself with sick leave, holidays, new equipment and software.

    So for a site mock up I would have quoted $675, while the actual billable would have come in around $375-$450.

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