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Saturday, May 21, 2011

funny mug shots

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  • mrsir2009
    Apr 28, 06:01 PM
    Jesus christ the world will end.

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  • iphone3gs16gb
    Apr 22, 05:20 PM
    This mock-up looks hideous...

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  • AlphaBob
    Jan 30, 04:57 PM
    ...some people look at their paper money (cash, stock & bonds) and start to worry that all of it could go bankrupt...so they look for a little insurance in Gold, just incase the worse happens then they still have something of real value.

    I understand the theory of what you say, that gold has intrinsic value. However, the theory has never been tested in a true crisis. Trust me, if everything went bankrupt (stocks, bonds, t-bills, banks, etc.), then gold will be of little value as well. The ONLY thing of true value under those circumstances will be food and those things that can be used to barter for food (gold would have some value in that case, but so would a box of ammunition) The fact that someone paid $1000 or $2000 an ounce for gold before a crisis will mean nothing. It will be worth only as much as someone is capable of paying, and that will be very little.

    The last run-up in the price of gold in the 80s was met with a rapid drop less than two years later to the $350 range, which is where gold sat for almost twenty years. While I have no idea how much more it will increase in value over the short term, the problem is that when the fall comes it will be quite rapid.

    The biggest difference I see between gold and stocks is that one is based on negative gloom/doom thinking, and the other is based on positive/growth thinking. I have little to no interest in investing in gloom/doom, and history is the reason why. Periods of negative thinking tend to be short-lived.

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  • iJays
    May 4, 03:33 AM
    double posting. sorry

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  • blevins321
    May 1, 11:38 PM
    You know, I really wish that Osama wouldn't have died in the firefight. As a country, we could have come with a more unique sendoff that would have struck fear into our enemies a bit more than a quick gunshot. Reruns of Jack Bauer's tactics come to mind.

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  • Eriamjh1138@DAN
    Apr 23, 06:29 PM
    Testing doesn't mean it is definitely coming. Apple is going to weigh all it as a business opportunity or not.

    T-Mobile could mean another 3-6 million phones in a year. If it is a simple hack of an AT&T phone and easy to implement, it might be worth Apple's effort.

    Besides, what WILL happen to T-mobile's frequencies? The HW would have to be modified/upgraded/changed to support AT&T, right? Those cell towers won't switch overnight to AT&T freqs for no cost.

    What really would make sense would be an AT&T/Verizon/T-Mobile WORLD phone. That would make the most sense to me.

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  • sushi
    Jul 15, 08:39 AM
    Don't know how true this is, but if correct demonstrates MS determination to take losses to dominate the market. From Engadget,

    But it gets better. To attract current iPod users Microsoft is going to let you download for free any songs you've already bought from the iTunes Music Store. They'll actually scan iTunes for purchased tracks and then automatically add those to your account. Microsoft will still have to pay the rights-holders for the songs, but they believe it'll be worth it to acquire converts to their new player.
    If this is true, it will allow those considering a switch to be a no brainer.

    Good marketing for Microsoft.

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  • Moyank24
    Apr 30, 03:31 PM
    Ummm, I'm not sure this game is over yet... there's still an infected Villager out there...

    That's what he said. Reread what he wrote.

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  • Plutonius
    Apr 29, 07:32 PM
    Well, that's a bummer. Now I'm stuck with Appleguy in the afterlife ;).

    Look a the bright side. You are also stuck with Plutonius.

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  • Rowbear
    Apr 11, 08:03 PM

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  • Jason Beck
    Apr 10, 02:26 AM

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  • iqwertyi
    Sep 17, 09:33 AM
    I'm all set for Gran Turismo 5 now :D


    Don't worry, your vision is fine. One of the wheels is for a friend at university.

    How are these? I'm looking for a wheel for F1 2010 and GT5 (when they both come out).
    I was about to purchase the G25 but these may do as well.
    Does it have paddles?

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  • ABernardoJr
    Apr 12, 11:25 AM
    Am i the only person who is relieved that the iPhone 5 and iPad 3 aren't coming out anytime soon? I feel like i've lucked out buying an iPhone that isn't revised in a year of me buying it! I would be devastated if an iPad 3 came out in september, i don't like being constantly last generation. Plus the IP4 and iPad2 are pretty great as they are

    lol If you think about what you just said, there really shouldn't be a reason to dislike being "last generation" if you are happy with how they are now. It's a stigma that almost everyone has when it comes to not having the newest thing but honestly people should realize that, if they think what they have is good already, something new being released doesn't actually lessen the quality of what you already had. But with that being said, getting an older one that is so close to the release of the next one is a bit more understandable because of the proximity, but regardless, if you're happy with it then it's good

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  • Popeye206
    Apr 13, 02:52 PM
    Waiting for Apple Microwave Rev B.

    LOL! The iWave!

    Listen to music while nuking your soup!

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  • LbSigman
    Apr 14, 03:09 PM
    My upload is better, but my download is the same.

    I've had instances in which my download was 650kbps and my upload has been 1200kbps. It's been all over the board, but I'm still happy with it. Did you just install the new update?

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  • diamond.g
    Apr 27, 07:34 AM
    You always seem to forget that Tbolt is a dual bidirectional 10Gb/s channel technology, so in fact it can handle 4 SATA connections, 2 upstream and 2 downstream. With room to spare. On a single port.

    How does the math work on that? 2 SATA 3.0 connections would saturate the bus right?

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  • cuestakid
    May 1, 11:52 PM
    Your 2nd date appears to be incorrect.




    how so?

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  • AnyKey
    Oct 23, 02:39 PM
    I don't see the difference between Windows XPee and Windows RG. :confused: ;) :D

    hehe, exactly :cool:

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  • NT1440
    May 1, 10:08 PM
    So the figure head who has had little to nothing to do with Al-Queada (a leaderless brand name of extremists at this point) since 9/11 is dead. Woo hoo. Meanwhile, terrorism in the world has only increased since the "war on terror" (something that was predicted and well known by US planners when gearing up for it).

    Time to start the USA chants. :rolleyes:

    Jan 30, 10:13 PM
    To interrupt on the burger talk ... my dinner :p

    Oct 24, 08:13 AM
    one bit of good news -- the "older" standard 15" MBP refurbs are now only $1449!

    May 4, 09:56 AM
    because if apple is going to say a new iphone is coming, only a fool will buy the old one at full price

    i bet a new is coming in June but apple doesn't want to see a sales drop off. anyone that asks me i tell them that expect a new one in June and don't buy the 4 since it's stone age tech by now

    Yeah, it's 2010 hardware and people keep saying its revolutionary. Doesn't look that way at all anymore with dual core Android phones left and right.

    Dec 4, 06:27 PM
    hahahah I probably have more experience with guns then most people, I own 9 guns of my own already.

    a .223 ruger mini 14 a couple .22's and a couple shotguns a .22 pistol.. and a couple others...

    I don't doubt you, but in honor of A Christmas Story I had to say it :D

    Apr 26, 01:23 PM
    I'm gonna guess this cloud service, or data-center has nothing to do with storing your music online. I am of the mind that Apple likes to KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) and just keep a master copy of a song in their data-center and stream it. Why would any company waste precious space holding a stupid copy of 'Holla Back Girl' over a few million times, ****ing dumb. This is probobly why it hasn't launched yet, license agreements, they have had lots of time building this Data-Center.

    Plus for those complaining about 20 bucks a year, don't worry it only cost Apple a BILLION dollars to build. You really expect any company to throw a billion dollars at something without any profit to be made?

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